12 Months Old Couple African Grey parrot for sale

(6 customer reviews)


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Registered: Yes
Pure Breed: Yes
Free Shipping area: WorldWide,

6 reviews for 12 Months Old Couple African Grey parrot for sale

  1. Brandon and Bridget Fielding

    Brandon and Bridget Fielding
    Dinosaurs. Well, actually, it was geology two hundred and something, but the class was unofficially dubbed dinosaurs in the course catalog. I took this class during the senior year of my university educational experience and learned that modern-day birds are the closest living relatives to the good ol’ dinos of old. Naturally, being 1) a boy and 2) a lifetime tyrannosaur enthusiast, I wanted one. So in searching for a breeder, I stumbled across papageikaufen and their wonderful aviary online. At first, I was a bit skeptical after reading some horror stories about breeders on the interwebs, and worrying that papageikaufen wouldn’t be as thorough or careful with her feathered friends as my Google searches recommended was necessary. All that was gone, however, when we first met papageikaufen in person and saw the amazing condition and temperament of her birds. The little guys were adventurous, inquisitive, and far ahead of their time developmentally as compared to any other pet store (and breeder, for that matter) birds that my wife and I had seen. We chose our Cockatiel from her then-current batch and had a great 9 months with him before a dog killed him such a short time later. papageikaufen was there for us as we mourned, and so very helpful and thoughtful as we eventually were ready to choose another little dinosaur. We settled on our Rose Breasted Cockatoo, Fawkes, and papageikaufen has been so kind as to let us visit him every weekend (we’re so annoying, right?) for the last two months as he grows and weans. papageikaufen cares so much about her birds and their well-being, as well as the customers that she so professionally supplies with such wonderful companions. My wife and I wouldn’t choose anyone else to breed, raise, train, and love our little bird except for papageikaufen and her family. If you are looking for a reputable breeder, look no further. Two thumbs way, way up. -Brandon and Bridget

  2. Mary R. Silva,

    Mary R. Silva,
    “Hello, I wanted to express my gratitude for your patience and assistance in helping me choose the perfect bird. Your professionalism and passion for your birds were evident, and I am thrilled with my new Scarlet Macaw parrot. He has already shown his unique personality and cheekiness in just a few days, and I couldn’t be happier. I even took some photos to share with my family and friends, feeling like a proud parent. I will definitely recommend your parrot farm to anyone looking for a bird and have already shared the link with a few people I know who own parrots. Thank you again for your help..”

  3. Jerry Robbie

    I was amazed when I sent money through Zelle and received my bird this morning. Roxy is incredibly cute! Thank you, Papagei-zu-verkaufen.
    Jerry Robbie

  4. Garry Dinks

    I have always desired to have a bird, but unfortunately, I cannot afford one. Therefore, I visit the Papagei-zu-verkaufen website to look at available birds. Thank you, guys.
    Garry Dinks

  5. Raymond Wells

    I recently purchased a bird and I am absolutely loving it. I would definitely shop from Papagei-zu-verkaufen again. Thank you for your cooperation.
    Raymond Wells

  6. Lori Kwens

    This is the best bird place I have visited. The staff is knowledgeable about their birds and a pleasure to work with. The prices are reasonable, especially when compared to the other bird place in Falls Church that charges double for some birds and food. Additionally, there is a great selection of toys, food, and treats available. The facility is always clean, and the birds are healthy. Thank you to Sophie for her assistance.
    Lori Kwens

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